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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Interested in seeing Colbert in a !Report mode 24

I've always liked Colbert. Taking myself too seriously has never been among my otherwise multitudinous shortcomings. Otherwise I couldn't deal with some of the jokers around here at all. Thus, I've always enjoyed Colbert's skewering of his mindless conservative strawman. The strawman certainly isn't real, so what's the harm?
More to the point, Colbert has actual talent. His interviews display a mind that plays chess three moves ahead of the victim, throwing out delightful inversions all over the place.
I think he'll surprise a lot of people on Letterman. I may even try to TiVo an episode, and even watch a couple of minutes.
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Interested in seeing Colbert in a !Report mode

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  • I've always thought his character was a thinly veiled O'Reilly with a few other elements thrown in for fun, and I love it.

    Aside from the character, from what I have seen at least, he's very smart and witty and well qualified if not overqualified for the gig. I will confess I dont like his politics nearly as much as his comedy, though; he's a self-hating southroner drowning in 'white guilt' and a victim disarmament supporter if I am not badly mistaken.

    Still glad to hear he got the gig and I too will try to w
    • ...he's a self-hating southroner[sic] drowning in 'white guilt' and a victim disarmament supporter...

      Well I'll be... That is so disappointing. I had no idea you were such a crackpot.

      And your font still looks funny.

      • And your font still looks funny.

        There you are, shooting the courier again.

      • by Arker ( 91948 )
        "That is so disappointing. I had no idea you were such a crackpot."

        Did you really just dismiss me as a crackpot because you dislike the way I spell that word?

        It must have a very strong meaning for you then, can you explain it?

        "And your font still looks funny."


        Not you too? Holy crap I had no idea slashdot had become such a hang out for technophobes.
        • Nope, sorry to disappoint. It wasn't the spelling. And you really need to take a pill.

          • by Arker ( 91948 )
            "Nope, sorry to disappoint. It wasn't the spelling."

            Well that was a fairly short quote, 13 words? And that was the one you chose to highlight and draw attention to, so it was a natural reading.

            If that wasnt it then what? I am genuinely curious. Something in that quote apparently screams 'crackpot' to you and being that we have spoken here a few times in the past and I believe you have already gotten a basic idea of my politics, I am completely at a loss as to what it was.

            "And you really need to take a pill.
    • he's a self-hating southroner drowning in 'white guilt' and a victim disarmament supporter if I am not badly mistaken

      Yeah, I think he probably drank the Zinn kool-aid. Added to that, he's Roman Catholic, which adds to the comfort level with Social Justice Doctrine. Trying to communicate disagreement without bashing here.

      • by Arker ( 91948 )
        Funny you should mention Zinn. I read a People's History over and over again myself, yet it obviously did not have that affect on me, and I am not sure if it's fair to blame it. It's been a few years but southron guilt is a pillar of mainstream histories and Zinn tends to focus on contradicting those, after all.

        You know that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach that comes when reading your 'history' book and hitting the section where they not only lie, but slander you and your kind directly and
        • I have a copy of APHOTUS, though I haven't read deeply in it yet. However, I don't hold him in high regard. P44:

          The master tried to control completely the sexual lives of the servants. It was in his economic interest to keep women servants from marrying or from having sexual relations, because childbearing would interfere with work. Benjamin Franklin, writing as "Poor Richard" in 1736, gave advice to his readers: "Let thy maidservant be faithful, strong, and homely."

          No one is coming out in defense of chatte

          • by Arker ( 91948 )

            Well we shall disagree there, then. I *do* think that thesis is correct.

            The part I take exception to you did not voice, but mainstream histories invariably blame this on the south and give the north something of a pass. But the same perversion of common law that allowed it was adopted uniformly throughout the English speaking colonies.

            The shipping companies that made the bulk of the profit on slavery (and were custodial for the most horrifying and deadly portion of it) were New England affairs, and they
            • Zinn was a Commie tool.
              As far as slavery goes, your point about Northern shipping interests is true. Also true: Africa itself was a key player.
              • Africa itself was a key player.

                And the Left is the real Right. and, and, Frazier Glenn Cross is a demonrat because Robert Byrd!

                It's all about projection. I take that as a positive, in that it shows you are capable of shame.

                • The lateral directions of Left & Right are a ruse. What matters is the individual vs. the collective. Seen from that angle, our "two party system" is a grand fiction.
                  • I agree about Left/Right. The real divide is Top/Bottom. Even the notion of "individual/collective" is kind of a dodge in this instance. The only "collective" that I see anywhere in the US is aggregate capital in the form of the corporation.

                    • aggregate capital in the form of the corporation

                      I don't dispute that this is an issue, but if we think in terms of seller/marketplace/buyer, I want to know what we're doing to ensure adequate numbers of sellers. That is, WTF competition?

"Life is a garment we continuously alter, but which never seems to fit." -- David McCord
