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Journal Chacham's Journal: Puzzle: Three miscellaneous and one sequence. 21

I have a book from 1956 with some puzzles in it. So, after scanning in a page, here's three. Nothing major. Plus, one more sequence.

  1. The Constitution of the United States specifies four requirements for becoming President. The candidate must be at least 35 years of age, must have been born in the United States, and must in this country for at least fourteen years. What is the fourth requirement?
  2. One tank is half full of gasoline and another is half full of alcohol. A spoonful of gasoline is taken from the first tank and mixed with the alcohol in the second tank. Then a spoonful of the mixture is taken from the second tank and mixed with the gasoline in the first tank. Now, how does the amount of gasoline missing from the first tank compare with the amount of alcohol missing from the second?
  3. You have an eight-gallon ban full of water and two with capacities of five and three gallons, respectively. How can you get exactly four gallons of the water into the five-gallon can?
  4. hhlbbcnofnsmaspscapcs


Two weeks ago had this JE with sequences puzzles. FroMan got the first three correct here. I'm suprised noone got #6.

  1. roygbi - Colors of the rainbow: Red Orange Yellow Gren Blue Indigo. Answer: Violet.
  2. abgdezeti - Greek alphabet: Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota. Answer: Kappa.
  3. gelndjjrskcen - Books in the Bible (order according to the KJV): Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel Kings Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah. Answer: Esther
  4. tccredsdqmcffstsnmmdtrrgnnmmmna - Well known ports: Tcpmux Compressnet Compressnet Rje Echo Discard Systat Daytime Qotd Msp Chargen Ftp-data Ftp Ssh Telnet Smtp Nsw-fe Msg-icp Msg-auth Dsp Time Rap Rlp Graphics Name Nameserver (Nicname) Mpm-flags Mpm Mpm-snd Ni-ftp Auditd Answerr: Tacacs.
  5. iigistueibnpaexcumdhpxttllr - Assigned Internet protocol numbers: IGMP IGMP GGP IP ST TCP UCL EGP IGP BBN-RCC-MON NVP-II PUP ARGUS EMCON XNET CHAOS UDP MUX DCN-MEAS HMP PRM XNS-IDP TRUNK-1 TRUNK-2 LEAF-1 LEAF-2 RDP. Answer: IRTP.
  6. poiuytrewqlkjhgfd - Keyboard keys (QWERTY), starting top row backwards: POIUYTREWQLKJHGFD. Answer: S.

Looks like I made a mistake in #3, leaving out an N.

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Puzzle: Three miscellaneous and one sequence.

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  • The Constitution of the United States specifies four requirements for becoming President. The candidate must be at least 35 years of age, must have been born in the United States, and must in this country for at least fourteen years. What is the fourth requirement?

    He must not have served two terms previously (two or more years counts as a term for someone (vice-president or otherwise) who assumes the office).

    You have an eight-gallon can full of water and two with capacities of five and three gallons

    • He must not have served two terms previously (two or more years counts as a term for someone (vice-president or otherwise) who assumes the office).

      Isn't that an amendment? Not part of the original consitution. Does that count?
    • This is according to the Constitution, not amendments.

      For the buckets, you seem correct. I have a longer method.

      8->3, 3->5, (8:5/5:3/3:0) 8->3, 3->5, (8:2/5:5/3:1) 5->8, 3->5,(8:7/5:1/3:0) 8->3, 3->5 (8:4/5:4/3:0). The idea her was once one was had in the three, though it wastes two step clearing out the three for another use. I'm assuming your answer it what it has listed.
  • 1. Yep. The guy above had it right, although it isn't according to the constitution in its original form, its according to the 22nd amendment.

    2. This question isn't very well written, but those might just be typos on Chacham's part. Ethanol is frequently used as a gasoline octane enhancer, and we all know that's basically alcohol. Anyway, this problem says nothing about sizes of tanks, etc, but we do know that at the end, there is way more gasoline in the first tank than there is alcohol missing from th
    • 1. And the qurestion is according to the constitution.

      2. Actually, i scanned it in....

      3. Sounds good.

      4. Very good.
      • 1. What are you looking for then? That he must be willing to taken an oath, because he has to take the oath for office? That he has to be male? (It does use the word He in description in a few places, but it also does that for all the other offices, and in the section actually defining the requirements, it is careful to say "person.") That he was a citizen of the US at the time of the constitution being a good trade for being a natural born citizen? There isn't anything else in the particular section
        • You are missing something overwhelmingly obvious. So obvious, that you'll probably think the answer is stupid. It's a cute question though.
          • Oh. Right. They have to be alive. No dead presidents for us, no Sir.
            • That's not it...... The Constitution does not mention that at all.
              • Not true. The constitution mentions who becomes president afteward in the event you happen to become dead (or incapacitated) during one of your terms.
                • To reciprocate your pedantry, that is irrelevant. The question was requirements to *become* president. And there is no requirement of being alive. Technically, a dead person can be voted as president, as long as he dies before being elected. Though, since he cannot take the oath or give affirmation, there may be a problem with him actualy holding the office.

  • 1. Elected, or alive. Either one will do.
    2. I think we're missing some words in this doesn't make sense.
    3. fill 5, 5 into 3, dump 3. 5 into 3 (2 gallons in 3), then fill 5, 5 into 3. (1 gallon into 3) and 4 gallons left.
    • 1. yes.

      2. Oops, the scan wasn;t as good as i thought, and i didn;lt properly check it. Sorry. It has been fixed.

      3. There are only eight gallons of water total, contained in the eight-gallon container.
  • The amount of gasoline missing from the first tank is the same as the amount of alcohol missing from the second tank.
    • The interesting thing is that this is true regardless of the sizes of the tanks, and regardless of how well the two liquids are mixed.
      • by Chacham ( 981 ) *
        Very good!

        When i first heard this one, it took me a while. Nonetheless, its painfully obvious.

When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
