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Journal RailGunner's Journal: Mark Callahan for US Senate 3

Pretty good. I'd have handled this a little differently. Reminds me a little of Reagan's "I paid for this microphone" moment.

And for my buddy smitty -- it's just another example if liberals and their perpetual pre-pubescence.

"Global Warming, Fact or Myth"
"Myth" -- Correct answer, by the way

And note how the thin-skinned liberal asshole (but I repeat myself) then asks him what he thinks of the Easter Bunny... Callahan points out the asshole nature of the liberal reporter and ends up getting thrown out of the meeting.

My response would have been that there's more credible evidence to support the existence of the Easter Bunny than there is for Anthropogenic Global Warming.

This discussion was created by RailGunner (554645) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Mark Callahan for US Senate

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  • The seance is settled.
    • Yup. After all, We Must Do SOMETHING!! because single mothers and their children, oh, and minorities are hardest hit by manbearpig er, I mean, Global Warm-- Climate Change. And if you disagree with me, then you're racist. And worse than Hitler.
      • Yup. After all, We Must Do SOMETHING!!

        because...9/11.. no wait, I mean.. terrorists. And if you don't agree with me, then you are one, worse than OBL yeah I remember that. You should be glad everybody is on the same page.

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