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Journal phmadore's Journal: Python

So, for a little while I struggled trying to learn C++, but then I realized that really there is nothing I want to presently do which I could not do in Python. This realization does not happen on its own, you can imagine, but came with some research. The research also finds that actually it will be a lot easier to learn C++ and Perl after Python, which is a much easier entry language. So I've begun. I have this idea for a program which I've put on Google Code, with some extremely rudimentary code.

Every time I work on it, I commit to Git.

Right now there is nothing really useful developed.

It's a great way to learn to code, though much like my earliest websites, I'm sure I'll end up rewriting it at least three times, from scratch, using newer methods learned. Once we've got a stable version up and running, though, then people might want to use it, as it will be a useful tool.

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"But what we need to know is, do people want nasally-insertable computers?"
