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Journal andyrut's Journal: Visibility = Higher Rating

It's disturbing how the first post, even if it's only half-decent, will almost always go up to a 5.

Take my mediocre first post and its moderation:

An important difference, posted to Linux vs. Windows: What's The Difference?, has been moderated Interesting (+1). It is currently scored Interesting (2).
...has been moderated Funny (+1). It is currently scored Funny (3).
...has been moderated Insightful (+1). It is currently scored Insightful (4).
...has been moderated Overrated (-1). It is currently scored Insightful (3).
...has been moderated Insightful (+1). It is currently scored Insightful (4).
...has been moderated Insightful (+1). It is currently scored Insightful (5).
...has been moderated Overrated (-1). It is currently scored Insightful (4).
...has been moderated Insightful (+1). It is currently scored Insightful (5).
...has been moderated Overrated (-1). It is currently scored Insightful (4).
...has been moderated Insightful (+1). It is currently scored Insightful (5).
...has been moderated Overrated (-1). It is currently scored Insightful (4).
...has been moderated Insightful (+1). It is currently scored Insightful (5).
This discussion was created by andyrut (300890) for Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Visibility = Higher Rating

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Nothing is finished until the paperwork is done.
