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Journal Ch_Omega's Journal: What the point of high IQ? 3

I generally score in the high 150's on most IQ-tests, depending on spread ofcourse, but I allways end up above the genious level. My question is, WHAT'S THE POINT? I don't seem to do anything better than most other people exept the IQ-tests.

Ofcourse, I don't have any problems learning new things, and I easily understands new consepts, but still, I don't feel that I do this very much different or better than most other people I know, and if this is what's being smart is all about, what's the point about having a score that doesn't really seem to tell you very much about the person in question?

I have started to feel that the whole IQ-thing is just a system designed to give a few people the chance to brag about being smarter than everyone with a lower score. Ofcourse, it's great knowing that I have a high IQ, but what's the point if the only thing that it relates to in practice is solving IQ-tests?
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What the point of high IQ?

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  • It's a conspiracy by MENSA.

    The real IQ test is simple. If you're stupid enough to pay them $60 a year to be a member of MENSA, you're not a genius :-)

    • I scored 155 or 156 or somewhere around there on their test one time they did some testing at the University of Oslo, but I didn't enroll in their ranks. Does this prove that I'm indeed a genius then? ;)
      • Read their home page and ask yourself if you'd want to be part of that.

        I thought about joining "to meet smart chicks", then realized 2 things:

        1. The really smart ones wouldn't join
        2. The only members of mensa I knew were fucking idiots.

One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
