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Journal Bill Dog's Journal: coding rules of thumb vs. monitor size 5

I was perusing the comments under the article about a new ultra-wide 3440 x1440 monitor, and this comment sparked a side thought:

[...] I'd consider taking one of these displays and turning it 90 degrees so I can see more of my code at once without scrolling.

This made me think, as monitors have gotten bigger, maybe a certain couple of old programming rules of thumb need to be restated, in terms of something else that is:

1) Wrap your lines of code at 80 columns, and

2) A function generally should not be more than a screenful in length.

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coding rules of thumb vs. monitor size

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  • by chill ( 34294 )

    If I have to turn my head to see more, then I want a break of some sort. When working on something that really needs focus, I prefer to be able to read by just moving my eyes and keeping my head still.

    At work, I use two monitors but they're for two distinctly separate tasks. The one on the right is always e-mail and chat. The one on the left -- pretty much directly in front of me -- is for whatever else I'm working on.

    Widescreens are good for positioning stuff in an IDE, but as far as the actual code goes I

  • . . .whatever is in the Linux kernel coding guidelines is just about right, in a QED kind of way.
  • The secondary monitor they gave me at work, forced me to do this because it was not compatible with my prescription sunglasses. Many flatscreens are not, and the answer is to turn them 90 degrees.
    Setting up my visual studio IDE has been an issue. Two things I've tried so far: Move the properties down to the bottom of the screen, and move the object explorer windows to the screen of the laptop.

  • I have a wide screen monitor at work. I can comfortably cascade three gVim windows -- so, trying to chase down an issue I can look at the client source, server source, and DB ADO source all at the same time.

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