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Journal bfg9000's Journal: Sorry, AC, Can't Respond To Your Post.

I can't post, even in my own Journal! I can only post these main JE's until the ban ends... I have no clue about the subnet thing until someone from Slashdot actually responds to my emails (which is getting more unlikely -- they've probably outsourced their tech support to India). I tried to respond to you as an AC just to be polite and acknowledge your post (and say thanks for actually reading this), but I guess I can't post as AC either. PITA.

I'm just glad I'm not a subscriber, though if I was they'd probably respond to me. I think the chances of me ever supporting them have just faded away to nothing, though.

I don't know how Banning works, whether it's an instantaneous automated thing or editor preference, but if it's automated, I wasn't banned for my joke modded to zero, because it was posted before my comments about an open-sourced BIOS (and the need of systems to be completely open in order to prevent the possibility of backdoors in the closed portion). So either the editors do it manually, or it was my anti-proprietary software comment that got me banned. It wasn't like I got too many downmods and tripped a switch.

9:06 Thursday 22 July 2004 -- Anti-Closed Source Post (Reasonable, not zealous or improper in any way)

8:48 Thursday 22 July 2004 -- Not-so-funny joke about forking the Linux kernel because they aren't upping the Revision Numbers fast enough

Smells like anti-Anti-Closed Source censorship to me, but I'll wait for their response to know for sure -- and post it.

EDIT: Actually, I CAN say that it's not the subnet users -- the ban mentions me by name, and reads like this:
Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, comment posting has temporarily been disabled. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner . If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID, which are "jumble of letters and numbers here" and "jumble of letters and numbers here" and (optionally, but preferably) your IP number "##.##.###.###" and your username "bfg9000".
If it wasn't ME they were pissed at, why would they mention my username? If it wasn't MY ACCOUNT they were banning, the addresses would have been sufficient.

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Sorry, AC, Can't Respond To Your Post.

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