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Journal suwain_2's Journal: Lunacy?

We've all encountered weirdos before. The same goes for the rather... uneducated. But I've seen several things that are just bizarre; they lead you to wonder what on earth the people were thinking.

Here's my most recent example - the city of Houston ("Hosuton" according to the original /. post) is offering e-mail to it's city residents. Check out the story here. The weird part isn't the e-mail, that's a cool idea. The weird part is *how* you check your e-mail. You don't get a free dialup account or anything. Instead... You go to public places like City Hall. The concept seemed a little odd, but then I read something else - you can also go to the *fire station* to read your e-mail. Now *there's* a bizarre concept. And I believe the idea extends to police stations, as well.

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