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Journal Chacham's Journal: Slashdot Habits: Removed more friends / misc 9

In order to make room for my ever-growing foe list, more friends must be removed. So, anyone without a JE in about a month (that is up to July 2004) is being removed from the list. This doesn't affect much. Comments in my JEs are read at +1, so the user would have to be a foe, anonymous, modded down, or within the lat 1% of users to be unread.

Though, this does affect which JE title's i'll see. But, since they've had no JEs within a month, and i skip most JEs anyway, it is unlikely to have much of an effect.

This leaves my (definitely miscounted) 4f count at 35/120/336/42. Though, the 120 ought to shrink due to my defriendings.


In other news, pudge defriended me, which means i can't make that comment into CmdrTaco's JE. Oh well. And i've been seeing more and more of mfh's comments in the stories i look at, though not too often.


I'm thinking about giving up the +5 given to friends. It really only affects comments on stories, which adds moe to the +5 comments that i read. Since +5 has been quite full ately, there's no reason to add more. In JEs, where freiends count, i read at +1 anyway.

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Slashdot Habits: Removed more friends / misc

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  • You were the first person to de-friend me and I was curious what that was about. I was not aware that there was any limit to the number of f/f one could have Your foe list is the longest I have seen.

    I used to +5 friends, but I stopped doing it because it hosed my nesting too much. Keep posting more about how this works out, I'm interested in what you're doing.
    • Limit is 200, unless subscribed, then its 400.

      I'm sorry to defriend, as it lowers the pool of JE titles i see, but it doesn't matter that much. I'm going to read your comments anwyay. :)

      The lessening has to do with profanity filtration [slashdot.org].

      Destroying the nesting...good point.
      • Oh, I didn't take it personally, but thanks. Several people very dear to me can't stand my writing. :-)

        I am guilty of many of the offenses you describe in your profanity filtration JE, I respect everyone's right to draw their own boundaries, and besides, this is a website. I was in FidoNet and on The Well before the www existed, I've been around this bend before.

        Really, I was curious about why you'd care enough to de-friend anyone, but then again I don't use the filtering features as much as you do. In
        • Heh.

          And I just stopped listening to the radio completely. Not even for the words. Just the mean attitudes portrayed and encouraged.
          • but then again I don't use the filtering features as much as you do.

          Funny little mini-story:

          I added +5 bonuses left and right, now darn nearly everybody is at least +2, so I stopped reading /. more or less.

          • I added +5 bonuses left and right, now darn nearly everybody is at least +2, so I stopped reading /. more or less.

            Ha! :)

            I wonder if this is a common effect.
  • Oddly enough I am thinking of subscribing just to get 200 more ff slots. I have dozens of comments of members I want to friend/foe but can't since I'm capped. D'OH
    I don't plus friends not because they are bad but because It seems odd. I do neg foes because I don't need to see illogical "facts."
    What order is you 4f in. It doesn't look like fr, fo, fa, freak.
    So do you like more friends or more foes? I like having lots of friends because then I can look at more JEs easily and I like being "nicer."
    • I paid as a "kudos", but ther cap raise is nice too.

      I don't plus friends not because they are bad but because It seems odd.

      I am beigning to see that too. Well, in many cases.

      What order is you 4f in. It doesn't look like fr, fo, fa, freak.

      Switch fo and fa. Just as they appear on the page.

      So do you like more friends or more foes? I like having lots of friends because then I can look at more JEs easily and I like being "nicer."

      Same here. But i use foes to filter. So, in the end, it has more weight.
  • Don't waste the foe list space on me anymore. I'm quitting slashdot. :)

The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
