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Journal talks_to_birds's Journal: Deeper and deeper... 2

It's interesting (as much as any of this is interesting :-/ ) how much space Pamela is now using to discuss Pamela, and to discuss the "attacks" on Groklaw.

Yes. More "attacks".

  • "An Enderle Blow by Blow

    Dated: Thursday, August 12 2004 @ 12:57 PM EDT

    I should probably preface my remarks by explaining that by "blow by blow" I don't mean anything physical, and this is not a threat against Rob Enderle. He seems a bit on edge lately, and I surely don't wish to send him over the top, while he's brooding about Groklaw. Because he went on and on about carrying guns in his keynote speech at SCOForum last week, I expect keeping him calm is the prudent course. At least, that is what my friends are telling me. The word blow can mean many things. The wind can blow, for example, or think blow as in blowhard. Here I use blow by blow to mean step by step..."

huh.. After expending so much effort explaining her choice of words, and how Pamela is *not* trying to imply any correlation between violence and Robert Enderle, all the while bringing up guns, and how he's "brooding about Groklaw", why not just use different words?

Could be that the entire monologue is deliberate and self-referential. "I've got to use these words, because they convey just exactly what I want to imply about Robert Enderle, even though I'm also going to expend a lot of energy explaining that while I said *this* I didn't mean *that*."

But why not just say so? Doesn't make as good press, perhaps, now that Pamela is a "journalist".

Pamela finishes off with this descent into more self-referential paranoia:

  • "...Why All the Attacks on Groklaw?

    So, bottom line: why all the attacks on Groklaw all of a sudden? And why no Enderle apology? He didn't even apologize for his foul language. I will give you my theory. I noticed that Darl McBride in his speech at SCOForum made some predictions, after he took a jab at Groklaw too. He said he commended "open blogs" and sites like Slashdot, where everyone is free to say whatever they wish. He falsely claimed that any time anything positive is left as a comment on Groklaw, I remove it. Actually, I have no recollection of ever seeing a positive comment about SCO here on Groklaw and I certainly haven't removed any as a result. Really. And he predicted that "open blogs" like Slashdot will start to tell SCO's side of the story, and then the media will get to understand what is really going on.

    I interpret this to mean that SCO is arranging an astroturf campaign. How else could he predict future behavior on Slashdot? I also understand that they must have left comments on Groklaw that got deleted by moderators. I can't recall that I have ever seen any comments deleted that were positive toward SCO. I do delete bad language and obvious trolls.

    They call it astroturf because it's phony, as in phony grass.

    Ah, yes. The corporate version of free speech. So, I suggest that if and when you read nonsense about Groklaw ("I used to love Groklaw, but now PJ [fill in the blank]"), just consider the likely source. Of course, an astroturf campaign depends upon a non-moderated site, which explains McBride's sudden fondness for Slashdot.

    I do promise them one thing. I'll report on any SCO astroturf campaigns I see, as I now believe McBride's prediction indicates they will happen. This is why Enderle really can't say he's sorry, I expect. If the campaign is set to go forward, and this speech marked the kick-off, an apology would get in the way."

It's all about Groklaw, all the time.

Groklaw: a legend in Pamela's mind.

And, yeah, that's the way it is now: if you disagree with Pamela, suddenly, clearly, obviously you're a nasty AstroTurfer®

Clearly on the payroll, clearly just doing what you're told, clearly a nasty, nasty person.


OK, Pamela, whatever you say.


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