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Journal Al Dimond's Journal: I CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!!

GAH! The clarinet studio people won't give me a damn e-mail to tell me if I can be in that shit this semester or not. So if not I need to take another mother fucking class... so I hear about this other class I might want to take that involves building an electronic music system for children with disabilities, sounds like something I could do and good experience and stuff, and it's supposedly got open spots left, but it doesn't have open spots left. SO maybe I'll have to wait and see about clarinet and if not then start ECE 390 2 weeks late.

Outside of academics, I'm enjoying life tremendously. I think I'm going to do some Time Cube chalking on the quad tonight. Hey, it sure beats all the bullshit Greek system crap that's written there now.

And yeah, OMG the football team matched last season's win total this week at one. Next week they'll be going for their first win over a I-A team since 2002. Me, I'm hoping that we match last year's accomplishment of getting more Nobel Prizes than football wins. But next week's game is University Library Day, and we all know the whole community rallies around the football team and gets fired up for University Library day. So maybe the footballers can pull off another win.

I ran 800s this morning. Only 4. In 2:40. I'm in worse shape than I thought. Maybe I won't run under 17 next Sunday. Oh well.

OK, time for some homework.
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