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Journal bhtooefr's Journal: Presidential Debates - My Verdict (from what I could stand)

I tried to watch most of the debate, but I had other things to do.

Anyway, here's what I saw:

Kerry usually answered questions more closely to the actual question than Bush did.

Bush lied out his ass, as usual.

Kerry was trying to cover up his flipflopping, and I could detect a bit of flipflop in the debate.

Now, why are the debates so damn scripted? Can't we just get them together with a camera, and no moderator? Put a screen in to display questions from anonymous sources (they could either be first e-mail recieved that hasn't been asked, random e-mail in between questions, or last e-mail recieved before question is pulled). Put lights in to signal length of answer (I do agree that they need that - give a politician unlimited time, and he'll take it).

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Presidential Debates - My Verdict (from what I could stand)

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