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Journal eugene ts wong's Journal: Web Design: Content Negotiation At Geocities; My Own DTD 3

For those of you who really know what you're doing, here is some neat stuff.

GeoCities Has Content Negotiation
Go test it at my web site. For testing purposes, I only created a French page and an English page.
[JawTheShark, go ahead click it. You know you want to. :^)]
[Cyberdyne, a while ago, you offered to host a project that I was considering. I won't need your help anymore. I appreciate your offer a lot. I just feel that using GeoCities would be less trouble for you. Thanks again.]
I've Created My Own DTD To Allow For Better HTML
Mine will allow you to put headings [h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6] and captions in lists. The headings will not need to be children of li elements. It will also allow you to put lists in paragraphs. I also created nl for navigation lists at the top of the page. That should be about it. My DTD should allow for cleaner, clearer and smaller HTML code. Your declaration should be something like this.

"-//MrWong//DTD EHTML 1.0//EN" "">

No credit, bonuses, payment or recognition is required. This seems to work with Opera and should be okay with others.

Comments? Questions?

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Web Design: Content Negotiation At Geocities; My Own DTD

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  • see subject.

    I don't think you want to just go around changing the HTML standard, even if it works in some browsers.

    • Yes, it is, because my DTD is the standard for what is and isn't valid. Obviously, we'll run into some problems with some browsers, but for the most part, it should be okay. It's not the W3C standard, but it is the standard. It probably works better too.

      Some of those features were part of the XHTML 2.0 standard, which isn't fully implemented yet. This means that if it works now, then we are that much further ahead. nl and lists within paragraphs are examples of things in XHTML 2.0 that work now.
      • I forgot to add that as long as the DTD is correctly detailed, and it validates with the W3C validator, then it is fair game. We should still try to go with the W3C standard, but we are more than welcome to go with our own. The W3C HTML specs give instructions on how to make your own DTD.

        Making your own DTD is more valuable when trying to put multimedia in your web page that is also compatible with older browsers. This will allow you to make modern pages that are strictly in compliance with good standards.

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