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Journal Murphy Murph's Journal: Driving

Background info: I'm a land surveyor.

I'm getting tired of driving 200+ miles every work day. I only live 7 miles from my office, but lord knows my project manager can't maintain any relationship long enough to keep us busy with in-town work.

Reasons I shouldn't gripe:
It's not my vehicle.
It's not an uncomfortable vehicle (2004 Silverado 2500HD.)
I'm not paying for fuel.
I get paid while driving.
It's arguably easier to be in the truck 3 hours a day than spend those three hours outside in wet and cold Ohio winters.
I have NPR in the truck.
My boss could be forcing me to stay out of town instead of driving. (But that would require him to plan more than a day ahead.)

BUT the driving sure does wear on me. I take Adderall for my ADD and I STILL want to fall asleep.

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