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Journal Pluvius's Journal: Rejected Submissions

I will use this journal from now on to post rejected submissions. I don't do this to stroke my ego (though maybe that's part of it), but because some of my rejected submissions may be of some interest in the /. community despite not being accepted by the editors.

I haven't archived most of my submissions up to this point, so for anyone who cares, a summary of those:

Sam & Max Sequel Canceled: This one was actually posted. On the front page, no less. Don't ask me why /. says that it was rejected.

Square-Enix Producer Reveals GBA Plans: I don't remember exactly what this one was about, but it probably had something to do with the possibility of an English version of Final Fantasy 3 being ported to the system. This could've been rejected for any number of reasons.

Braben Finally Reveals Details on Elite IV: Read here.

Link Between IQ and Voter Preference?: A submission about that state IQ hoax that came out soon after the election. This was rejected because it was an obvious joke/troll submission. I had to give it a try, though, since the Politics section has basically been dead since the Democrats gave up.

Broussard Asks for Duke Nukem Forever Ideas: George Broussard is asking fans for ideas to put into his game, even though said game has been in development for somewhere between seven and nine years. I guess making fun of DNF is too passe for Slashdot. Incidentally, this submission took around five days to be rejected.

So, uh, here we go then.


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Rejected Submissions

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