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Journal Hi_2k's Journal: Here come the warm jets 2

As I write this, g1 is close enough to touch but out of reach. I'm on the late bus heading out of hell. My sister just got on, but thankfully didn't see me and charged right past. G1 is seated back one row on the opposite side, normally perfect for conversation were it not for my friend J who is sitting next to me, blocking the conversation angle. I've written all of these so far on the bus. Oddly enough, I'm flirting with this girl named R, who is ranting about human behavior. She's kinda interesting, since I swear I've met her a year ago on this same late bus. She suggests her identical twin, which is a possibility. Note: She lives between the chens and p. oaks. Now that she's gone, J is talking about another friend, M's dating problems. Kinda ironic, when he's right in the middle of mine. Now we're almost at G1's stop. Too bad.

This morning started with me over where G1 spends her mornings, in the decidedly nerdy area in the back of the school. She is a studious one, but I think it's mainly based on her locker, which is right in the middle. One of the problems with having a "C" last name. It was going well, the evil boyfriend was busy and not around, but then G2 came up and g1 moved away. Kinda too bad. G2 is getting a little grating, but... I'm not sure. She is just over an extended relationship, and I don't know what that means for the us, present or future.

I've decided, since I'm having trouble coming up with subject lines, I'll just put up a song title.

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Here come the warm jets

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