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The Matrix

Journal Spencerian's Journal: WTF are you SMOKING?!

That's all I can stands, I can't stands no more.

Today I get blitzed by a few posters over blitzing the cable network Spike TV, which isn't doing menfolk any favors by representing itself as the "First Network for Men." What men? Sexist, muck-sucking bastards?

I don't mean that all (or even many) men should be and act civilly and classy and be a poster child for GQ or something. But DAMN! Try not to publicly show how tasteless you can really be by watching some of the swill you find on that station.

And ANOTHER THING. The Matrix movies were great. Perhaps you weren't born during a time where the only SF you had on TV was Original Series "Star Trek." Perhaps you were born long after the movie lines emptied of people wanting to see "Star Wars" again and again. Perhaps you were born in a time where SF choices were wide and plentiful. I wasn't. I take pleasure in so much variety and haven't become jaded from it all.

Perhaps you haven't read a Bible, where a hero comes to save the world, and dies doing it. Not original, these parts in the movies, but exciting to see. The Matrix was great SF, and they were smart enough to know that good stories end. I am content not to see a "Matrix 4" just as I am happy not to see the original "Babylon 5" storyline resurrected just for a dollar's sake.

And don't even get me fucking started on the "Star Wars" 1, 2, and 3 episodes. While they aren't the same laugh riot as the original movies, they make great popcorn movies, have great effects and a few notable great actors (Ewan McGregor), it's still "Star Wars." And don't blame George Lucas on ruining your childhood. YOU ruined it when you did that thing back in high school---and you know what I'm talking about, you sick bastard.

You fucking grew up. Time stole your childhood.

Now get back in the line to pick your "Return of the King" extended edition DVDs. I'll see you there. And if you even think of cutting, I'll beat your ass silly with my replica Ranger sword.

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WTF are you SMOKING?!

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Waste not, get your budget cut next year.
