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Journal rjamestaylor's Journal: Under God 8

Recently I changed my .sig to reflect my appreciation for the phrase "Under God" in the US pledge of allegience. The .sig read:

I'll stop pledging "Under God" when they pry it from my cold, dead lips.

Remove "Under God" and I rescind my pledge

I've received a bit of response and will post some of it here (and add commentary eventually).

A post from susano_otter :

Regarding your sig: do you really believe that the phrase "one nation, under God", accurately describes the country you're pledging your allegiance to? Or is the pledge for you simply an expression of an ideal state that we may all aspire to, even if it has yet to be established?

My response:

Do you believe subscribing to a lesser ideal will help the the state of our Republic?

When I gave my wedding vows I did not hesitate to pledge my allegience to an imperfect person (as an imperfect person). Nor did I consider that we were imperfect. Rather, I was honoring the covenant of marriage.

When St. Paul called the wayward church in Corinth "the church of God which is at Corinth" was he forgetting that they were divided, litigious, adulterous, gluttonous, etc.? No, but he spoke concerning something higher than their condition: he spoke concerning their position.

Regardless if we live like it or not, whether we believe it or not, we are a nation under God's sovereignty. Saying we are a nation under God is not a reflection of our condition, but of our position.

An email from aaron thorn:

No one said that you're not allowed to go on blathering about your American god. What you do in private is your own business. Why should anyone else have to pledge alegance to your silly god anyway?

Just curious-

A post from SubtleNuance:

So, you are an advocate of oppressive non-secular states?

PLease, I invite you to join the rest of us here in modern reality. Cast away your boogie-men and think for yourself.

You chide me for not agreeing with your point of view and then admonish me to "think for myself" -- which is it?

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Under God

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  • Another thing worth noting about the removal of `under God' from the pledge: central to this removal is the claim that because our constitution protects us from government telling us what to believe, it is unacceptable to present a model of what we consider civic virtue to be -- that if someone is an atheist, having them even hear the words `under God' imposes on their right not to believe in God.

    Okay, then what? Do we really have the right not to hear something because we do not have to believe it? If we do, then the rest of the pledge is in trouble too -- shall we take out the words `one nation .... indivisible' as disagreeing with the beliefs of racial seperatists? The words `with liberty and justice for all' as offensive to those whose cultures do not believe in these ideals? Where do we stop? Is `for which it stands' a problem for the disabled?

Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
