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Journal N473's Journal: Won't be on for a while 3

I got a job offer from Haliburton in Wyoming to work on the oil fields as an electronics tech/computer guy. Just about doubled my pay.

A little apprehensive about leaving my home base of El Paso for a town of 19k, but the money will be good. I do not know my internet connectivity situation for the next 3 weeks, maybe longer. While i have been scarce lately, i have enjoyed reading everyones journals.

Blinder, I enjoy IM'ing you so I'll hit you up when i get settled. Thanks for being there...

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Won't be on for a while

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  • and Congratulations (if that is in order)
  • A little apprehensive about leaving my home base of El Paso for a town of 19k

    What you have to take into account is that a town of 19k in WY is a BIG CITY - maybe the biggest in 100 miles, which means it will have a lot more amenites than a town of 19k in TX might have.

    I do not know my internet connectivity situation for the next 3 weeks, maybe longer.

    As for Internet connectivity - I'm sure you will have some at work, and if the town is on an Interstate (both the 19k towns in the state are) - I'd expec
  • congratulations nate! yay!

    i'll be here when you get settled.

All the simple programs have been written.
