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Bully Trailer Hits the Web 444

GGLucas writes "Contrary to the rumours that have spread about the Rockstar game, Bully, and it's storyline, the game's trailer as released by IGN today spins in a completely different direction, anti-game critics will not be happy. From the article: 'Bully puts players in control of 15 year-old Jimmy Hopkins — a boy who has just begun his first year in the New England-based Bullworth Academy, and a guy who's charged with the mission of ridding the school of a number of its undesirable elements.'"
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Bully Trailer Hits the Web

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Their target demographic is nerds, so why do they create a game about our oldest enemy?
    • Erm, RTFA, you're the dude who's trying to take down the Bullies, so . . what was your complaint again?
      • Re:Bad marketting (Score:5, Informative)

        by zerocommazero ( 837043 ) on Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:38PM (#15886633)
        I guess it's the fact that NO ONE remembered (especially the editor) that the original game synopsis WAS that you were a kid who basically got fed up and fought back against bullies, bad teachers, etc.

        Come on, Slashdot, you're supposed to be better than the regular news spin!

    • Mod parent up! (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Their target demographic is nerds, so why do they create a game about our oldest enemy?

      Mod parent up. please. He didn't know better, and still, I applaud his immediate courage to stand up and defend our ranks.

      In the meantime, I can answer your question: because they're working on a crossover sequel, Bully 2/Postal 3: Siege over Columbine.

      Uh... right

      Anyway, from the website's [] overview []:

      "The Rockstar tradition of groundbreaking, original gameplay and humorous tongue-in-cheek storytelling i
  • Doesn't seem too bad (Score:5, Interesting)

    by vinividivici ( 919782 ) on Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:23PM (#15886557) Homepage
    How bad can a game about a kid countering a bully possibly be?
    • They forgot to mention the working title of Grand Theft Classroom; many of the bullies can be run over during driver's ed.
    • by Daniel Dvorkin ( 106857 ) * on Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:34PM (#15886618) Homepage Journal
      How bad can a game about a kid countering a bully possibly be?

      Oh, very, very bad.

      You see, kids who fight back against bullies are just like Harris and Klebold! They wear black and listen to scary music and have guns, lots of guns! And they kill people with them! Lots and lots of people!

      In fact, any kid who fights back against a bully might just be ...



      There. I hope this clears things up for you.
      • by ToasterofDOOM ( 878240 ) <> on Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:58PM (#15886720)
        you just won the presidential vote for Utah in 2008
      • by idonthack ( 883680 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @12:07AM (#15886761)
        1. Like Harris and Klebold... Well, I'm a geek in high school and I play video games. Close enough!
        2. Black clothes... Check! I got like six shirts at QuakeCon.
        3. Scary music... Yep, my baby sister is terrified by MC Hawking!
        4. Guns, lots of guns... Well I don't actually have any, but once I downloaded a book on how to make one!
        Awesome. I'm a real live terrorist.
      • by Un-Thesis ( 700342 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @12:22AM (#15886838) Homepage
        I am a 5' 4" male nerd who wears corrective lenses. I was habitually psychophysically tortured by bullies throughout my life; today women shun me because I am still to this day psychologically scarred by their antics in my youth (although I'm getting better).

        I used to be ridiculed, beat up, harrassed, and generally driven to depression *daily* by a *wide*range* of youth at my school; not just traditional bullies. Columbine happened when I was a Junior (or virtually finished with my primary education).

        All of a sudden, my harrassment stopped! Literally that very same day! I was called into the Principle's office a full three times. The reason? I met a lot of the characteristics of the massacrists; sans a close friend (at that time I had none). All of a sudden, people would actually come up to me and spontaneously *apologize* for how they treated me; even 8 years later people are still *apologizing* to me as I sporadically meet them in town :O

        I used to go to the Principle's office to report being punched in the face, jumped in the parking lot or being spat on by groups of girls (seriously :(, just to be told to "fight back" or "suck it up" or something. Now, my 15 yr-old nephew got guys *expelled* or transferred to other schools merely because they made fun of him and the school now has a zero harrassment policy!

        After nearly 2 decades of near persistent parent-teacher meetings, moving to different schools, etc, to try to assuage the torture my peers inflicted upon the obvious physical grunt of the pack (but i have an IQ of 150), schools are finally taking things seriously.

        So excuse me if it took a horrible massacre to make ordinary people realize how horribly detrimental their actions are. God turning something bad good, I guess. I will always remember the day of Columbine as the day my life started becoming enjoyable for the first time ever.
        • Unfortunatly that is a common story. I have to wonder how many of the people who blame you for getting mugged would take responsibility for their mugging if their coworker punched them in the face and stole their wallet every day.
        • by Alaria Phrozen ( 975601 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @05:37AM (#15887773)
          When I first found out about Columbine.. my first thought was: I wonder how those poor kids were treated to drive them to such ends.

          Sure, with all the recent media releases with how darkly into hatred the Columbine kids were, perhaps there should be no sympathy for them. But I've always wondered... did they choose their victims, or was it really just random shooting with all that planning behind it? If the victims were chosen, for what reasons ... how were they treated?

          I remember very clearly in seventh grade, many years ago, a fellow student was picked on mercilessly everyday until he would cry and have a total fit. Every single day. The bullies were very, very good at doing it covertly. The victims fits were off course a total fight/flight reaction, and I'm sure it could have even been seen as comical-hence why they did it. This kid was usually the one who got in trouble too, as teachers would ignore the smalltalk from the bullies and would only notice when he would burst into tears or slap/punch somebody. He was an incredibly nice kid and of course smart.

          What is popular is not always right. What is right is not always popular.

          It makes me want to do something about it now. Seventh graders suck at communicating their feelings. It really would have been nice if they gave us surveys so we could express in a directed manner how we and our peers were being treated. Of course there would be jokesters, but I'm sure it is possible to build control mechanisms within surveys?

          I know this is impractical but... there has to be something.
          • by twistedsymphony ( 956982 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @08:39AM (#15888250) Homepage
            You just have to level the playing field. I was picked on quite a bit for being a nerd when I was young. Picked last in gym class, called names, had people steal my books, notes, backpack, etc run down the hall and throw them the nasty cafeteria garbage. Interesting enough it was a New England Prep School.

            One day my father suggested I start going to the gym with him to work out, it was a powerlifters gym, if you wanted aerobics you ran outside, everything inside was freeweights. I started lifting and advanced FAST, applying my studying habbits to learn proper techniques and eating habbits. I gained about 40lb of muscle over the course of my sophomore year. I had to get a new custom made school uniform because my sholders were so wide.

            I was still a nerd, I still played card games with the other 2 or 3 nerdy kids in the cafe during our study halls, I was still a member of the chess club and the math team but after school I would go and lift weights. I even entered a few powerlifting competitions and took 1st place a couple of times. It really turned my life at school around. My junior year I remember early on one of the football players started picking on me and my friends so I stood up and he got in my face... soon realizing that while shorter I was much wider in the shoulders then he was. I told him I'd arm wrestle him and if I won he would have to appologize to my friends and leave us alone for the rest of the year. I put him down so fast he brused his knuckles when they hit the table. Needless to say none of us ever had any problems with the bullies in the school ever again. Despite the fact that I still enojyed doing all of my nerdy things I had earned a lot of respect from a whole lot of the people who used to pick on me.

            Nerds are smart enough, get them on a training program, martial arts, weight lifting etc. Bullies pick on your weak spots and typically the week spot of a nerd is their lack of physical prowess... you fix that and the bullies will pick on someone else... or find something better to do.
        • by fudgefactor7 ( 581449 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @08:56AM (#15888326)
          Dude, I feel your pain. I really do. I was picked on in school as well--and I'm shorter than you, so there you go. What did I learn? Simple. To get bullies to stop you have to--now pay close attention--KICK THEIR ASS! One kid in school dumped ketchup on me at lunch--he thought that was pretty freaking funny...until I choked him and threw him across the lunchroom. Another kid got bodyslammed by me for being a general dick to anyone smaller than him (and I, naturally, fit the bill.) (Fat kids who bully are easy targets for bodyslamming, they don't tend to be nimble enough to get out of the way of a fast moving short person.) In essence, if somone bullys you, beat the crap out of them at that very moment they start. Don't kill them, just beat them down and let them know that the next time it happens you won't be so lenient. Bullies fear being bullied themselves, and they also understand the concept of "respect."
          When I have kids, I'm enrolling them in a martial arts class at the earliest opportunity, and I'm going to tell them straight up--and I'll let the school know too--that my kid *will* defend themself and it won't be pretty. And what do I do if my kid is doing the bullying? Same thing--beat him like a redheaded stepchild. I didn't break the cycle to have it started by us.
          • And when your kid tries to jump the quarterback, will you post the video on youtube?
          • Please, no karate (Score:4, Insightful)

            by tacokill ( 531275 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @11:58AM (#15889570)
            ...When I have kids, I'm enrolling them in a martial arts class...

            Pu-leeeze. Where I went to high school, saying you had martial arts training was the surest way to get your ass kicked. It's not that people hate martial arts. It's just that mentioning it sort-of challenges others to "test" you. And we did. I can safely say that 99.9% of the martial-arts people I saw fight, lost. And usually lost badly. Don't forget you are going up against other people who "street fight" and don't fight to choreographed moves. It is my belief that martial arts unfairly makes people believe they are better fighters than they really are**.

            From reading the posts, I'd say I was on the other side of things. I never got picked on much but I picked on a few people and I regret doing so. But, the GP was dead-on.....fighting back is really the only way to get out of it. Even if you only get in one good punch (make it count!). Almost always, a mutual respect will be earned and you will at least get them off YOUR back.

            But martial arts is not the way to do this. Perhaps consider boxing or wrestling instead.

            (**note: I realize there are SOME martial artists that are bad-asses. But the vast vast majority of high-schoolers are not in this category and unless you are, martial-arts won't help you.)
        • by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @09:28AM (#15888518) Journal
          Interesting, but more interesting the number of people that can't seem to get past it.

          People have been 'psychophysically tortured' for, well, ever. That doesn't excuse it, and doesn't mean that it shouldn't be dealt with aggressively where possible. But it's like complaining about the rain or gravity. It seems to me an almost-essential characteristic of the early socialization of the human animal: very basic concepts of dominance, social order, and the coping of the various individuals to their places therein. Social ontogeny recapitulating social phylogeny?

          I too (this is an empty truism, just about EVERYONE can say it) was a victim of such abuse. From beatings, to humiliation, to psychological 'abuse' throughout my elementary and junior high school years, including yes, frequent principal visits and school changes.

          But you know what?

          I'm *convinced* that a great deal of it has to do with a 'victim' mentality. Around 10th grade: 5th school in 5 years, I determined that I was NOT going to meekly take it anymore, regardless of the consequences (to my physical well-being, to my performance in school, etc). And the abuse stopped. And before you say it: there's a GIGANTIC step from 'resolving to no longer be a victim' to 'cheerfully murdering fellow students'.

          Part of the socialization process is understanding and learning social norms. It's *just* possible that you're not being picked on because you're "too smart" (a frequent excuse...if you're that smart, why haven't you figured out how to avoid the abuse?). Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes you're being picked on simply becase you're a wierdo and adolescents haven't always learned that we tolerate benign wierdos - like chimps or apes, they act to drive oddballs from the group. I don't condone that, but again, it's a fact.

          I recommend instead that you carefully consider how much your 'individualism' is worth - at a certain point it's just narcissism anyway.

          Too many people use this sort of life experience as a crutch to blame everything else on. Exaggerating the experience suggests to me that this is mentally where you're at - inflating and dwelling on it as an emotional airbag for all the shitty stuff life hands us. (You said it stopped when you were a Junior. Unless you repeated a lot of grades, you were what, 15? 16? Even assuming the 'torture' started day 1 of kindergarten, that's 10-11 years...not the "better part of 2 decades".) I'm not going to blame my lack of success with women on being bullied (is anyone as successful with them as they want to be?). I'm certainly not going to tell you my IQ as some sort of ego-assuaging self-justification for my misery.

          You can blame bullies, you can blame your parents, you can blame society; whatever. YOU are the one that has to cope with your life for all 70-some years you get on this Earth, and no amount of chemical assistance or directed blame is going to change that YOU (alone) need to get along every damn day.
          • by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @10:14AM (#15888811)
            "It seems to me an almost-essential characteristic of the early socialization of the human animal: very basic concepts of dominance, social order, and the coping of the various individuals to their places therein. Social ontogeny recapitulating social phylogeny?"

            But that doesn't make it right or, more importantly, just. In fact, it seems rather antethetical to the just society we're supposed to be creating; if kids aren't allowed to see what justice looks like, why would they pursue it as adults?

            "I determined that I was NOT going to meekly take it anymore, regardless of the consequences (to my physical well-being, to my performance in school, etc). And the abuse stopped."

            I take it this was before today's "zero tolerence" rules.

            "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes you're being picked on simply becase you're a wierdo and adolescents haven't always learned that we tolerate benign wierdos - like chimps or apes, they act to drive oddballs from the group. I don't condone that, but again, it's a fact."

            No, your "it's just a fact" stance passivley condones it. Regardless of whether or not you feel the victims should just suck it up and deal with it, unprovoked attacks should not be happening in schools my tax dollars pay for.

            "I recommend instead that you carefully consider how much your 'individualism' is worth - at a certain point it's just narcissism anyway."

            What's the point of a republican form of government if deviation from social norms cannot be tolerated? "All individuals have rights unless they look different?"

            "Too many people use this sort of life experience as a crutch to blame everything else on."

            "Too many?" Got numbers?

            "I'm not going to blame my lack of success with women on being bullied (is anyone as successful with them as they want to be?)."

            Perhaps, but does everybody who wishes more success with women have the trust issues that a bullying victim is left with? Do you yourself push women away the more they seem interested in you, while trying to figure out what her "real" motives are, what kind of trick she's planning?

            "no amount of chemical assistance or directed blame is going to change that YOU (alone) need to get along every damn day."

            I see contradictions. If being too much of an individual (your view) is what causes a person to be bullied to begin with, why is showing more of this hated individual initiative the solution? And then you you pay a lot of lip service to building social structures and "belonging," but what's the point of social structures if these problems must be solved by the individual?

            Really, if anybody here is having trouble dealing with past bullying, it's you: you're trying to apply irrational standards in an effort to justify the injust. Stockholm Syndrome, anyone? After all, if everybody must be responsible for what happens in their own lives, why must the victim be responsible for the actions of their assailants?

            I, too, often tell myself to "suck it up and deal with it," but the results of doing so is something I would not wish on another human being, and I'm not as prepared as you are to treat it as a "one size fits all" solution to individual victims of social ills. With your admonishments of "it can't be helped," it seems that you, and not the parent, are the one taking the defeatist, "I'm the victim" attitude.
        • by Amouth ( 879122 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @09:58AM (#15888709)
          i had the issue with bullies.. until i hit back.. i ran a kids face down a chain link fence.. cut him up really good.. (they called the EMS) no one pointed to me and he surly didn't want to say he got messed up buy the geek so i was off scott free.. and he/they never messed with me again..

          if you never stand up for your self then you will get walked over.. that is how life is.. even if you remove the bully part once you get out in the real world if you can't stand up for your self.. you might as well give up.
        • by Maggott ( 849849 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @11:58AM (#15889572) Homepage
          Amen, brother. I too was among the favored "victims" of my school. Hell, Columbine may have happened in 1991 if my parents had owned any serious firearms. The way students treated each other went beyond uncivilized and into the realm of barbarism. In fact, part of the reason things were so bad was that the stories the students told were so horrific that the faculty decided they had to be ficticious. It took a few dozen people being shot to death to make the world realize that maybe it was real after all.

          I knew that if any other schools in the nation were anything like mine, it was only a matter of time before somebody cracked and blew someone else's brains out. I also predicted, rather cynically (this was back in 1990-92, remember) that the media would place the blame squarely on other parts of the media, rather than on the students' brutality or the wholesale negligence of their caretakers.

          If you're going to claim--as some others in this thread do--that the fault doesn't lie with the "innocent children" who were raising their fists (and sometimes worse) against their peers, then you've got to accept that the blame lies with the schools who had taken up the duty of protecting them from each other. And then all you're saying is that the Columbine folks should have shot more faculty and fewer students.

          I'm a nonviolent person. I'm all for "Never start a fight, but always finish it." But having gone through what I did, I greeted the news of Columbine with gratitude and relief. I knew the massacre was so impossible to ignore that maybe--just MAYBE--it would get the schools' attention and they'd start listening when a fat kid in black clothes says he's sick of having people hit him in the back of the head every day. Most of you don't understand just how much of a difference the lives of those who died at Columbine might make in the lives of those who come after them. I'd love to be shot to death if it means that other students won't have to go through what I went through.

          Klebold and Harris didn't start the fight, but--we can hope--they finished it.

          And if that sounds insensitive, well, let's just say I had some really good teachers.
      • I think you need to take your own advice and just...


        Stupid lameness filter.
    • by darkitecture ( 627408 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @12:08AM (#15886770)
      How bad can a game about a kid countering a bully possibly be?

      I can't tell whether that was meant to be a rhetorical question or not. There might have been sarcasm or you might be being fatuous, I'm not sure. But just in case you were being serious, let me highlight something:

      It could be said that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (responsible for the Columbine massacre) were 'countering' the bullies that harrassed them at school. An extreme example for sure, but never underestimate human flaws when it comes to such powerful emotional forces as retribution.

      With that said, I've bought several of Rockstar's games which have been considered 'violent' and probably plan on buying this game too if it seems any good. I'd like to think of myself as a successful late-20-something who has played countless violent and disturbing video games, watched graphic depiction of violence in numerous movies and tv shows and also was the victim of bullying in school (weren't we all?). Yet I'm still a well-adjusted member of society, an upstanding citizen, have never committed a crime, vote, am involved in charitable works, have a good sense of morality and have no qualms with allowing my children to play violent games with morally dubious goals and watch violent movies - as long as I've deemed they're mature enough for such things. I find it is my duty to keep a constant vigil on my childrens' moral/ethical maturity and to screen/judge their input accordingly. I appreciate there being an ratings board for games and the like, but I think this should be considered simply a guide and that parents should take some god damn responsibility and take charge.

      I played some brutal games and watched some horribly graphic movies while I was a kid but I had good enough parents that they knew that although those games and movies weren't the most palatable inputs, they weren't having some sort of detrimental inpact on my growth, my education or my general health/wellbeing. They understood that *I* understood the difference between movies/video games and reality. They understood that although I might be ripping someone's spine out in Mortal Kombat, I was still writing A+ history reports and still knew my sines from my cosines. I might have been going on a Redneck Rampage with my shotgun but I still volunteered at the local Salvation Army thrift store on the occasional weekend and took out the trash and brushed my teeth before bedtime.

      Ratings boards should never be considered a substitute for good parenting.

      • by nametaken ( 610866 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @03:01AM (#15887390)
        "I played some brutal games and watched some horribly graphic movies while I was a kid"

        You're in your late 20s?

        I'd say, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Kung Fu and Punch-Out weren't exactly like the stuff we're looking at now. Banging a hooker in a stolen car, then jumping out of the car, beating them to death with a baseball bat and taking your money back? Maybe that OTHER Konami code let you do that stuff, but I think I would have cried myself to sleep if I saw that coming from my NES. :)

        • How about ripping out people's spines, freeze-and-shattering them, pulling out hearts or immolating them alive [] at the tender age of 13?

          And I, also, am a fine upstanding member of society who almost never actually tears someone's head off and poops down their neck-hole.
  • I reckon after the first wave of indignation they did.
    • I'm not sure about what changed but the first time i read the "article" on this game many months ago it said you wereon't going to be the bully. I thought you were gonna be the guy being picked on or something, in any case it was never about being the bully.
  • Wah? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Kid Zero ( 4866 ) on Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:28PM (#15886589) Homepage Journal
    That made less sense than most teaser trailers I've seen. I saw nothing to support Rockstars claims of "Wait! This isn't the game they say it is!" mantra.

    • by tsa ( 15680 )
      I didn't see what type of game it is at all. That was the most crappy trailer I've ever seen.
  • by Jerk City Troll ( 661616 ) on Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:28PM (#15886591) Homepage
    How about we put the burden of raising children on the parents who chose to had them. How about instead of futilely trying to childproof the world we let people decide for themselves and their own children what's appropriate.

    If a kid has $50 bucks to blow on the new hotness their either have their parents permission (ill considered as it may be), too much for an allowance, gainful employment, or an entry level position in a criminal enterprise. None of these is the problem of developers or retailers.

    Besides, none of the GTA games come close to the sex and violence of the bible. Babykilling and incest? Check. I want to see Rockstar do a Bible game like GTA, where you can wander around brutally killing and raping anything.
    • hehe nicely put (but wait, the bible is the word of god. He's allowed to say that stuff, just not us.....)
      • How can it be the word of God if it was written down by Men?
        • You are over thinking. Head down to the nearest church and have them beat your brains out with a rock. That way, you won't question religion anymore.
    • The lesson one should learn from the Bible is... have daughters, not sons.

      Daughters never paid the price of their parents' misdeeds...
      • Daughters never paid the price of their parents' misdeeds...

        It's a debatable point as to whether it's a misdeed or not, but there's always the passage where Lot offered up his daughters (virgin daughters, if I recall correctly) to the rabble to persuade them to leave be the guests. Someone with a concordance or a better memory of those passages correct me or back me up?

        • That did happen, IIRC they were spared though.

          But you're essentially right; I hereby backpedal... thousands of women were not put to death all at one time for the mistakes of their parents...

        • Look, I'm no mathematician, but everytime I think about the story of Adam, Eve, etc. I can't help but wonder how we're all descendents of those two people. Did Adam and Eve's children have sex with their mom? How did our population grow from just that one family?

          I hope Mel Gibson sobers up enough to turn that story into a movie. It would be cool if he'd change the story around and cast Ashley and Jessica Simpson as the two daughters (instead of the sons). Probably would make more money than his "Jews beat
    • by plover ( 150551 ) * on Friday August 11, 2006 @12:43AM (#15886925) Homepage Journal
      I want to see Rockstar do a Bible game like GTA, where you can wander around brutally killing and raping anything.

      Rockstar North proudly presents: "Holy Man - Old Testament Style!"

      • Steal another player's sword and cut off his head with it!
      • Throw your virgin daughters to the gay rapists to save your own ass!
      • Wade ankle deep through the blood of thousands of your enemies!
      • Rape a woman and kill her man, then become king of your people!
      • Don't like no sass? Cut out your opponents tongues!
      • Want your own slaves? Build up the biggest posse! Whip 'em into shape - literally!
      • Three words: Stoning! Stoning! Stoning!
      • Ritual human sacrifice!

      "E" -- Content rated by ESRB -- Everyone

    • I understand what you are saying. After all, the word of God is full of tales of sex and violence. The key difference is that the Bible does not glorify them.

      I actually ran an anti-bullying program in high school (went and taught elementary students about not killing each other) but I fail to see how this game will make things worse. Bullying is a huge problem in this country and parents seem too busy to blame anybody outside of the community. People need to realize that video games are not going to ma

      • It doesn't? Try rereading it. Lot gave his daughters to be raped by a mob, and is called a just man. The hebrews are glorified for slaughtering philistines, among several other ethnic groups. THe bible does nothing *but* glorify rape and violence.
        • by andrewman327 ( 635952 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @01:24AM (#15887099) Homepage Journal
          THe bible does nothing *but* glorify rape and violence.

          You have to admit that the content of Rockstar games is entirely different from that of The Holy Bible, both in content and presentation.

          • Yes. Rockstar doesn't pretend to be anything other than it is. I'd give my kids GTA long before I'd hand them a bible.
        • by everphilski ( 877346 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @09:23AM (#15888487) Journal
          Lot was experiancing contant punishment after selfishly picking the "good land" from Abraham.

          That's why he had a mob of rapists, and had to think of some way to get out of it (and made the wrong choice of throwing his daughers out - and where does it say in the bible that he was justified in doing this? My bible sure doesn't say that...). That's why his hometown was destroyed by brimstone, because it was such an abomination before God. That's (partially) why his wife died, and why he lost all his posessions... and got captured by an opposing faction of kings.

          But Abraham comes along and saves his ass, cause he's a good guy, and an archetype of Christ.
    • People think that if we put the burden on parents they will fulfill it. That's naive.

    • It's not exactly the Bible but it's based on an interpretation of Revelation:

      Left Behind: Eternal Forces [].

      You are a fighter with the "Tribulation Force" in New York City during the Antichrist's reign. You have a mission: convert heathen Gothamites. If you can't convert 'em, kill 'em all and let Jeebus sort 'em out. Oh yeah, you can play as an agent of the Antichrist if you want to.

      This is not a joke. This is real. And it will be out in time for Xmas.
    • Well...

      It is half the way there: l_spyware/ []

      All you need to do is add some raping and incest.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:29PM (#15886594)
    It does appear that Bully is indeed a game and not a spreadsheet so I suspect the anti-game people will be mad.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Does this young vigilante like to drink hot coffee at recess?
  • Rockstar (Score:2, Insightful)

    by MM_LONEWOLF ( 994599 )
    Yeah, the bible does have a lot of that, but come on. What do you think is going to capture a teenagers attention more. Reading the bible, or going out wit your homies and capping some ballas? Rockstar knows that their games capture the attention of teenagers, I should know, i'm 14, and thats how they sell their games. Should they be allowed to make these games? sure. If the parents don't want their kids playing them, then don't buy it for them. The big M on the box doesn't stand for mild.
  • Porn vs. Violence (Score:5, Interesting)

    by yeoua ( 86835 ) on Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:39PM (#15886637)
    Ok so in the United States, porn is basically not legal to buy by a minor. The store can't sell it to you, and you can't rent it.

    And hell, NC-17 movies exist, as do R movies (which require a parent).

    So why do games not have similar levels of preventative measures?

    I guess the question I have is... why should games NOT have such similar measures (I'm in favor of NO limitations to who can buy actually) while porn and movies do? And if you believe that games should be freely buyable, would you consider allowing porn and any rated movie to also be freely buyable? What about cigerettes and alcohol?

    It seems that we keep on having specific rules/laws per each individual "substance", and many are inconsistent with each other in terms of necessity.
    • My Mom got carded for buying me BLACK & WHITE! ... so I don't see where you're under the impression that there's a problem here.
    • Re:Porn vs. Violence (Score:3, Informative)

      by linguae ( 763922 )

      Non-pornographic movie ratings are not government mandated; they are enforced privately. That same logic is used for games, as long as they are not pornographic.

      Pornography falls under a set of laws that are similar to the laws for buying tobacco products and alcohol.

    • An old teacher of mine related in class once that back in the 50's -- or 60's or something like that -- when the movie rating system was new, some theaters would print in advertisements that: "This movie is rated 'R' for violence, so it's OK to bring the kids!"
    • There's a difference between a violent video game and cigarettes/alcohol - tobacco and alcohol have been proven to have detrimental effects on a person's health, especially a growing person, while there is no such proven link between violent video games/movies/porn and poor behavior. Kids are also generally less capable than adults of making wise choices when it comes to that stuff, and are more susceptable to pressure in many cases - so keeping PROVEN harmful substances out of their hands makes sense.

      As fo
      • by BorgCopyeditor ( 590345 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @01:59AM (#15887205)
        Do I think children should be able to buy porn? Sure - why not? Kids are gonna get their hands on it anyway - whether from the net or other friends - and I think that it being freely available will make exploring sexuality less stimatizing.

        You seem to be assuming that porn teaches something about sex. I (sort of) agree, but what it's teaching is not very ... realistic, and what it's leaving out is important. If the goal is to make discovering sexuality less traumatizing, why not insist on good sex education? Keeping it locked away from curious eyes doesn't keep kids from finding it, doesn't keep them from having sex if they want, and seems to just be a pointless burden for retailers.

        Sure, they'll almost certainly find it; but with good education (and maybe a more sexually healthy culture?), it would not be as compelling and I expect the demand might well fall. As for the last point, I could care less what is a burden for retailers who want to sell porn to minors. Seriously, have you been in some of these shops? I don't plan to have kids, but I wouldn't send them into one.

    • I guess the question I have is... why should games NOT have such similar measures (I'm in favor of NO limitations to who can buy actually) while porn and movies do? And if you believe that games should be freely buyable, would you consider allowing porn and any rated movie to also be freely buyable? What about cigerettes and alcohol?

      I do think games should be freely buyable - or at least, maintain the system of voluntary ratings that we have now. Movie ratings are also voluntary, by the way; there's no law

    • Re:Porn vs. Violence (Score:5, Informative)

      by TheoMurpse ( 729043 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @01:59AM (#15887206) Homepage
      NC-17 movies exist, as do R movies (which require a parent).
      I will dispute this, inasmuch as movie ratings are more contractual. The chain is basically:
      The MPAA has de facto control [] over most movie theatres in the US (Cinemark, etc.) through contracts (i.e. a movie theatre which shows first-run MPAA films may not show non-MPAA-certified films, or something to that effect). Thus, films must (if they want strong revenues) pretty much have to get MPAA certification (including receiving a rating) to appear in most movie theatres in the US. Additionally, movie theatres showing these films are contractually obligated, for the most part, to enforce the film ratings by MPAA requirements. There is no legality involved (pornography is a different story, of course). Thus, when you were carded by a theatre before seeing an R-rated film, it was purely based on contracts and societal pressures, not by any legal requirement to do so.
      What about cigerettes and alcohol?
      These have age requirements because it is almost incontrovertible that these substances have either a deleterious effect on one's health or influence minors negatively (and minors in particular have less maturity to deal with these effects, or make the decisions themselves).

      I don't have a great argument about pornography restrictions aside from the fact that the US is a particularly prudish country in regards to sex and nudity.

    • Ok so in the United States, porn is basically not legal to buy by a minor. The store can't sell it to you, and you can't rent it.

      And hell, NC-17 movies exist, as do R movies (which require a parent).

      So why do games not have similar levels of preventative measures?

      A better question to ask might be, why is PORN not legal for minors to buy? After all, I am willing to bet most people here have had sex more than they have gone on shooting rampages (Ok, well this *IS* slashdot... but I digress). Yet, it is ok to
      • The fact that porn is not legal for minors to buy is stupid - as sexual education is a good thing, ignorance, is a bad thing.

        I agree that the government has no place in restricting pornography. They certainly have no place writing laws with such dubious and interpretable clauses as current US pornography laws that judge whether something is restricted based upon the public opinion of some undefined "community" which has even less meaning on the internet.

        That said, I think it is a fallacy to equate porn

  • god forbid (Score:2, Funny)

    by nofadz ( 834141 )
    Bullies in schools? I've never heard of such a thing.
  • by vloktboky ( 936167 ) on Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:58PM (#15886718) Homepage
    Word on the street says former President Theodore Roosevelt strongly recommends this game! I'm not at liberty to disclose my sources. Sorry!
  • Lighten Up (Score:3, Insightful)

    by MBC1977 ( 978793 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @12:22AM (#15886839) Journal
    Come on stop taking everything that comes out so seriously. Games are for entertainment.
    How many of us (at least I know I did) have that one individual who got on your nerves, lol.
    Its a fun and harmless way to blow some steam, that's it. Don't read into it like it deserves
    a philosopical, psychological, socialogical (or whatever) analysis. Its entertainment. Simple.


    (US Marine, College Student, and Good Guy!)
  • by DragonTHC ( 208439 ) <Dragon&gamerslastwill,com> on Friday August 11, 2006 @12:32AM (#15886878) Homepage Journal

    I agree with game ratings and enforcement of those ratings.

    I don't think 15 year old kids should be playing bully.

    but I'm 30 years old, and I want to play it.
  • by edwardpickman ( 965122 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @12:38AM (#15886901)
    In this game Jocks beat up on nerds and the nerds get sent to the principals office and branded trouble makers. The upside is if you play the game as a nerd you can graduate school and become a highly paid programmer where as the the best the jock can hope for is janitor at the local Dairy Queen.
  • by AHuxley ( 892839 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @12:38AM (#15886902) Journal
    A mirror of the 61.7mb index.php []
  • Stupid (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Znrch ( 966486 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @12:45AM (#15886934)
    Once again everyone gets all happy about a trailer featuring... *GASP* cutscenes. How about a video featuring actual gameplay for once? Cutscenes tell me absolutely nothing.

    BTW, the humor was decidedly childish, which may be the point, but it seems to be a pattern oft repeated in most Rockstar games anyways.
  • Truth (Score:2, Informative)

    by treak007 ( 985345 )
    If you notice, that game is not about bullying anyone, its about standing up to bullies. Rockstar is known for making controversial games because they know people will buy them and Rockstar gets free advertisement (there's no such thing as bad press). Therefore, they name the game Bully and hope that people at first glance think that the game is about bullying people.
  • So good in fact that I can't wait to warez it.

  • Well did I get excited when I read the title! For you in the world, Bulli is also a very successful german Commedian (the slashdot croud should check his movie out "(T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1", a StarTrec spoof). []
  • Bully in the UK... (Score:3, Informative)

    by Neomancer ( 994116 ) on Friday August 11, 2006 @08:00AM (#15888094)
    Not sure if anyone knows. But all the bullying groups in the UK are looking to get the game banned.

    To be quite honest. Banning a game in the UK will lead to a LOT more piracy. People downloading off the net/buying off someone etc
    And its going to make people want to play it a lot more if its banned.. Think banned films. People will always try and get it somehow to find out what all the fuss it about

    Possibly an age restriction I guess. As some druggie/slightly strange in the head kids are unable to discern the difference between reality and a game.. E.g. I think it was manhunt and the kid that stabbed some other kid in a park in the UK.. And they blamed the game for that.. Not the fact he was obviously devoid of any common sense..
    But for the majority.. Probably much like me.. Violent video games were a part of my childhood. But I would never think of going out and copying anything portrayed in those games. So why victimise everyone.. For the small minority who are slightly screwed in the head
    So I think all the bullying websites that are complaining like little girls are helping the games publicity :)

When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
