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Village Threatens To Kill Dogs Over Unpaid Pet Tax 6

The Swiss village of Reconvilier is serious about collecting pet taxes, dead serious. Officials recently said that dog owners who haven't paid their pet tax face having their dogs killed. Local official Pierre-Alain Nemitz says, "This isn't about a mass execution of dogs. It's meant to put pressure on people who don't cooperate." You don't want to know what happens when you don't pay an excise tax in Reconvilier!


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Village Threatens To Kill Dogs Over Unpaid Pet Tax

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  • Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master.

  • It is absolutely disgusting that a so called civilised western society can threaten to condem dogs for their irresponsible owners not paying taxes, these animals are intelligent loving creatures and shouldn't face this sort of action due to dumb human owners[url=].[/url]

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