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Journal mazarin5's Journal: Two Weeks

Wow. I'm not too good about writing regularly. Currently, I'm listening to "Moneygod" by my friend Deneva. I'm surprised by how good it is. She keeps sending me emails about how I should come see her show in California. Ouch, that's far away!

Currently Amber is outside tending to her flowers. We had a long talk about how she would rather I buy an engagement ring that take her on a vacation. So, I'll take her on a vacation anyways, and then spring the already purchased ring on her. Brilliant! Or, at the very least, slightly sneaky!

So she wasn't happy that my desk (in our front room) had somehow grown another monitor and keyboard. We decided that the nerd hierarchy starts with liking Harry Potter, at the least dorky, and then proceeds to talking like Jar-Jar Binks, and then having two monitors on your desk, and finally owning a replica sword. I know there was one more thing, but I can't recall it at the moment.

The point is, I bought a KVM switch. I got one of the Linksys ready made cable varieties. It's nice, double tap the scroll lock and I'm on Tau. Tau really does nothing but run BOINC, Milkshape, and my Freelancer server. My primary computer is Sigma, where I'm running slackware. My third computer thats sits behind my desk, Logos, is my webserver. It's a comfortable setup.

I've been helping my friend Sam maintain a webserver. He's run a server on windows before, but after a major hacking incident, he's learning to use his new box for serving webpages and storing backups. I'm also trying to get Jon on the same page, after a similiar incident. He had a different flavor of attack, and someone locked him out of his computer and set up an FTP account. Sam's attack was more of a mischief kind of thing.

They each run game servers also. Jon runs a world of Warcraft server, which I am now addicted to. Sam runs Ultima Onlina, with which he is trying to ensnare me. I'm going over there today to pick up a copy. Maybe I'm make a version of my WoW character, the male human paladin, Hamstone. Fists like ham, and strong as stone: Hamstone! I promise, I'll take it seriously tomorrow. No really!

We've been spending a lot of time with Jon and Sara. I've known Jon for about five years now. I've known Sara for about eight. Sara and Amber are really starting to hang out lately, which make me happy. Sara's brother is Tom, and we've been close friends for the better part of a decade now. He's writing an Oh My Goddess! fanfic, starring himself. It's fun to read, and only a little self-deprecating.

Well, I'm off to bathe and socialize. Maybe I'll get back to this in less than two weeks.

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Two Weeks

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